Over ons

OfEetgemak Groepis the specialist in preparing and offering fresh, tailor-made dishes.Our company has its origins in a greengrocer's shop in Wassenaar.Nowadayswe provide with 500 employeeswhopping 30.000 peopleper dayof a fresh meal 

Fresh dishes tailored for young and old

At the Eetgemak Groep we believe that every person – regardless of age, health, diet or personal preference – should be able to enjoy (delicious) fresh dishes every day.We cook daily for different target groups: hospitals and care institutions, but also nurseries and people at home. We do this from our kitchens in Katwijk but we also work in various hospitals in the country such as the Radboud hospital in Nijmegen and the Maasstad hospital in Rotterdam. Our head office is located in Katwijk. 

Our dishes are developed from a scientific approach and put together by a team of experienced chefs, dietitians and product developers. Meals can be easily prepared and/or served on site. 

Work forofqualityof meals

Within the Eetgemak Groep we always opt for quality. Not only in the choice of our ingredients, but also in our way of working. The people who work with us have a love for the profession and are committed to satisfied customers who enjoy our meals, every day. This way we always get the best out of whatis inand you can see that on the table. 

Recognized training company 

Did you know that we are also a recognized training company? This means that we guide various (MBO) students in their apprenticeship at the Eetgemak Groep and in this way they can combine learning at school with learning in practice. Education and work are linked to each other to gain knowledge and experience. We offer places for both the vocationally supervised learning pathway (bbl) and the vocational training pathway (bol). For more information, call Eldert Meerkerk on 071-408 41 40. 

Company movie 

Do you want to know more about the Eetgemak Groep? Then watch this video. Here you get a look in our kitchen and you hear our colleagues about the organization and the daily affairs within the Eetgemak Groep. 

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